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my country starts the construction of a standard system for industrial robot product inspection methods


my country starts the construction of a standard system for industrial robot product inspection methods

2019-08-05 16:19

With the accelerating pace of "machine substitution" in the manufacturing industry, industrial robots have become an indispensable supporting force in advanced manufacturing, and their quality level has attracted more and more attention from all parties. However, there is no standardized testing method and system for common key indicators of industrial robots in my country, and there is no professional third-party testing agency to test the performance indicators of industrial robots. The lack of a unified and standardized quality standard depends on the manufacturer's mouth, which not only affects the experience of industrial users, but also seriously restricts the development of the domestic industrial robot industry. The start of the construction of the robot inspection method standard system is to break the situation where standards lag behind the development of the industry.

At the inaugural meeting of the working group, experts had a lively discussion on the standard content, system, and classification, and initially reached a standard framework for industrial robot product inspection methods. A series of inspection method standards will be developed around key parts, robot body and control system, software and performance. Academician Tan Jianrong of the Chinese Academy of Engineering congratulated the establishment of the professional working group. He believes that the key to the successful implementation of the "machine substitution" strategy lies in "standards first". , Resource gathering, driving a wide range of roles, and assisting the implementation of the "machine substitution" strategy.

It is understood that with the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and the acceleration of machine substitution, the industrial robot industry has shown explosive growth and has become an indispensable supporting force in advanced manufacturing. The robotics and automation industry has become the mainstream direction for the development of my country's high-end manufacturing industry in the future, but the industry actually still has the problems of weak core technology, poor standards, and lack of talents and brands. Among them, the lack of standards has led to the backward quality of industrial robot products of independent brands, and the contradiction between production and demand is prominent, which has become a major obstacle to the sustainable development of the industrial robot industry.

According to experts, there are currently 38 national and industry standards for industrial robots in China (including 7 mechanical interface standards, 7 testing methods and standard standards, 13 general technical conditions standards, 3 vocabulary standards, 5 naming rules standards, characteristics It means 1 item, 1 item of working conditions of discrete component manufacturing equipment in an industrial environment, 1 item of robot companion standard), but for industrial robots, a product that has multidisciplinary cross-integration and cutting-edge technology, the current standard coverage is still Far from enough. In addition, currently only some industrial robot manufacturers have performed factory inspections on part of the performance of industrial robot products, but due to the lack of standards and professional research, the testing level is low, the instrument matching is poor, the reliability of the test results is low, and there is a lack of comparability between them. , The test items cannot meet the needs of product quality control. What's more serious is that there is no standardized testing method and system for common key indicators of industrial robots in China, and there is no professional third-party testing agency to test the performance indicators of industrial robots. It is difficult for domestic industrial robot application companies to verify whether their performance indicators meet the contract. Requirements and production needs. Even due to the lack of inspection standards and testing methods, some industrial robot products have false or exaggerated performance labels, which may cause huge losses for industrial robot application companies, and will severely restrict the development of the domestic industrial robot industry in the long run.

Therefore, the expert members of the professional working group agreed that after the establishment of the working group, it should be based on the principle of pragmatic innovation and focus on promoting the formulation of national standards in the three directions of robot body, key components, and "machine substitution" system integration and application. . Strengthen the overall design, improve the standard system, promote the construction of the industrial robot standard system, and enhance the international voice of independent standards. Establish and improve public service platforms such as testing, test verification, certification and accreditation, and promote the establishment and improvement of third-party testing and certification systems.

The Industrial Robot Professional Working Group of the National Standards Inspection Commission was led by the Hangzhou Institute of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. Its members include 8 national key universities such as Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Harbin Institute of Technology, 7 technical institutions including the China Institute of Metrology, and new 6 robot manufacturers including Song Robotics.
